How to beat Guldo in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
You will have two boss fights with Guldo in DBZ Kakarot. You will fight like Gohan and have Krillin supporting you. The first member of the Ginyu force you face is Guldo. Here are some guidelines that may help you during this fight:
Dodge Surge boosted psychokinesis
You can easily dodge this attack by moving up or sideways, otherwise you will get hit by psychokinesis and if Guldo is wheelie it will hurt you a lot. You should dodge the attack based on the shape of the spiers.
Keep distance for paralysis
Breaking down times to dodge this attack is a little tricky, but it's still possible. When Guldo is launching the paralysis attack, you should get as far away from him as possible because you notice that the closer you get to him, the longer the duration of the paralysis.
Boss skills and advice
Psycho Satellite
There will be some rocks laid out around Guldo that would not launch at you, but it would be better if you destroy them with ranged attacks.
Guldo is able to paralyze targets in the area after channeling for a brief moment. After you are paralyzed, it is very easy for Guldo to attack you and he can hit you with psychokinesis which would cause a lot of damage.
This is Guldo's special move as it deals more damage. A strong rock is summoned which is sent towards you and you must doge at the last moment.
Surge plus Psychokinesis
After climbing, Guldo is able to increase the intensity of his psychokinesis and attack you causing even more damage. This time there are more missiles instead of one, and there can also be two rows of missiles.
These lines can be horizontal or vertical and there can also be a plus sign. You have to dodge it accordingly