Come battere Trunks in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot
Trunk's attacks are primarily melee based, making him a medium range fighter. To chart any strategy, you need to keep your distance by giving yourself enough space to carefully plan your next move.
As you do this, keep in mind that Trunks has a very short recovery time from stun attacks. Martial arts combos that will stun Trunks and long charged attacks like Kamehameha will give you a very small window to continue.
Taking a brutal and quick approach by relying on stun windows will leave you exposed to Trunks' attacks in DBZ Kakarot, giving him a solid opportunity to fight back.
One guaranteed attack you will get while fighting him is when he makes his brilliant sword attack. Attacks can be blocked with a small loss of HP, which can be compensated for by taking advantage of the long recovery time from his attack, making effective HP trading.
Other attacks that will be used by Trunks include these
- A charged 360 sword strike. Trunks' body will glow red as he charges up and throws a full 360 degree bar with a certain radius. Defend yourself from the attack and then trade some hits on your own.
- A diving bomb kick. This attack has a homing ability, which means it will follow you if you clear too soon. Evade too late and you'll take heavy damage and get knocked back. Just the right time and it crashes as football is about to connect.
- Brilliant sword attack. Trunks will raise his sword and then charge towards you in a straight line for a strong slashing attack. It is best to dash just as the attacks are about to connect, although it can be defended if you have a high enough defense.
- Explosion. Trunks will charge a fireball that will explode on contact. The charging time for this is slow, so it's best to avoid it. Start running anywhere just as it starts charging